The Sugar Cube and the Heart Sutra
Do you STILL think that the Heart Sutra’s “form is emptiness, and emptiness is form” is too hard to understand? Ha ha ha ha ha. NOT after THIS video, you
Do you STILL think that the Heart Sutra’s “form is emptiness, and emptiness is form” is too hard to understand? Ha ha ha ha ha. NOT after THIS video, you
The practice is always brightened and clarified and fired up while listening to anything that Robert Thurman says. It’s a lot of what Dae Soen Sa Nim called “dry cognition”,
I just came across this recording of The Heart Sutra in Medieval Korean pronunciation of the Chinese characters. It is very interesting. The original post says that “there are many
The Buddhist view of the cosmos is that there is not just this universe, but rather an infinite number of universes; and that not just Shakyamuni Buddha taught, but an